[to Main]
Want to follow this tube to my other lurking grounds? Well, here ya go: a directory of accounts that are me!
Ratings reflect what information my presence on the site would expose you to if you chose not to look at any content I provide a specific warning for (including what's in the warning itself!) Always err on the side of caution!
Rating: Safe for all users
Flight Rising
Tumblr, artblog
Rating: Supplied per work (mixed)
Archive Of Our Own
Rating: Adults and older teens using their discretion
Itch.io - Zines, TTRPG, and programming content for your downloading pleasure
Piczel gallery (nsfw art defaults to blurred): See gallery | Referral link (gets me goodies if you use it)
Tumblr, main/personal
Rating: Adults only
Primary Twitter
Rating: If you follow this, twitter will show you erotic art by the people I follow because It Is A Functional Website
NSFW Twitter
Places you CAN'T find me (yet)
Rarely accessed, no guaranteed age rating:
“Benevolentwanderers’ Tavern” discord